Sunday, January 22, 2017

Why Does Jesus Encourage Storing Your Treasures Into Heaven?

Spoken in Matthew 6: 19-21, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." As humans we tend to limit the term treasure, specifically to monetary value or materialistic possessions when in reality, treasure can be recognized as anything deemed valuable. In today's society, everyone is striving to obtain a certain level of power, fame, education, or wealth. As Christians it is easy to lose understanding of the difference between temporary and eternal realities. God conveys that putting your heart and strength into temporary things, that will eventually become lost or taken away, only leads you to become destroyed because you allowed yourself to identify as that object rather than a servant of him. When we live sacrificially for Jesus' sake we store up treasure. The acts that you do for him and onto others become unmeasurable, and no size too small goes unnoticed.

How are we to differentiate between proper and improper dedication to wealth? Jesus answers in Matthew 6: 33, "Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be given to you." Ultimately, the aim is to love ourselves and to love God. God is encouraging each of us to be wealthy in our wisdom, our inner peace, and in our happiness. Your day to day actions become a transparent image of your character and your obedience to Christ. You must live with the acknowledgment that eventually God's kingdom will rule the Earth, and you must become rich in only things that are allowed to enter the kingdom along with you. Heavenly treasures come from God, bring you closer to God, and make us better as people. Not all wealth is necessarily evil or opposing to God's will, but you must be able to make a clear distinction between the two. "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." The desperateness of wealth can lead one to sinful temptations. Rather it's gambling or it's addictions, it can deprive our neighbors from the love and affection that they truly deserve.

In the foundations of treasure storing, you must be willing to give and take. God will instill in you the necessary components of survival. It is the responsibility of the individual to see those talents within themselves so that they acquire the power to reciprocate those blessings onto others. You must commit to Jesus utilizing his resources so that you are able to properly do His work throughout the Earth. You must allow God's purposes to be invested in you because that is essentially your road map to Heaven. Personal relationships and connections with the Lord must not be mistaken or overlooked. God will propel wealth to you for the benefit of those around you. As Christians, it is easy for us to overlook our initial purpose of missionary work. Those that are blessed with wealth beyond need, shall view their fortune as a gift from God. We must work to make both ourselves and our neighbors wealthier in faith and wealthier in the total understanding of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly treasures should become permanently attached to you. You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess. In order to gain access into the kingdom of God, your eternal treasures must align with Jesus Christ both internally and externally. As a Christian you are a spiritual disciple, and you are obligated to the responsibility of continuously serving good deeds to those around you. If not truthful in external appearance as in the internal, it will become obvious. Being of service to all mankind should be your most prized treasure, as it will strengthen your personal character. You must fully submerge yourself in the treasures of Jesus Christ, in order to receive the authentic relationship. We are not perfect, but we must know that Jesus Christ is working constantly to transform us into better versions of ourselves. Sanctification is a daily process and shall be reassessed continuously until the calling of home to Jesus Christ.

So the question arises, "How can we be sure that we are storing treasures into Heaven and not into the Earth?" The answer is that you must love the Lord to the capacity with all of your heart, mind, and soul. You must not be afraid to live by God's will. Do not hold yourself back by striving to get Earthly rich when you hold the key to wealth inside of you. Honor the kingdom of God by enhancing your eternal treasures- your love, your rich deeds, and your moral excellence. As people we can either choose to center our lives around temporary realities, or we can allow God to provide us with treasures that last indefinitely.

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