Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Purpose > Popularity

Too many rich minds are putting affordable dreams on layaway. The clock is ticking... You're comfortable in a job that you hate to avoid being uncomfortable in a job that you love. You're scared to work a lot making a little so you can work a little making a lot. It's crazy. To be great, you must be crazy. Crazy enough to welcome failure because that's where the lessons are. Crazy enough to have the audacity to act on a wild God-given dream. People will laugh. They will call you crazy... then they'll call you for advice. Charge them.

Get comfortable not knowing- The only thing you need to know is that God is in control. Your journey wont be as pretty as you imagined, but you've never seen beauty like your destination. Don't be so scared to lose that you don't try. Dedicate those hours and when you see nothing come of it, keep going. When it gets impossible, keep going- That's how you know you're almost there. Pour yourself into your purpose. Work without looking up & when you finally do, you'll see your success.